The Always Happy Series: Winky The Careless Little Wizard - A fun Story About Being Responsible - Beautifully Illustrated Picture Book For Children
by Sonia Mehta (Author)
by Sunayana Nair (Illustrator/Translator)
Board Book
Rs. 199
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Winky is the best spell caster in the land of Dumble-dee-dim. But he’s also the naughtiest, always using his magic to play tricks on everyone. One day he goes too far ― and gets everyone into a fix. O

ISBN No 9789354405174
Dimensions(cm) 27.5 x 26 x 1
No of Pages 32
Item Weight(gm) 500
Language English
Reading Age 5-10 Years

Sonia Mehta

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Winky is the best spell caster in the land of Dumble-dee-dim. But he’s also the naughtiest, always using his magic to play tricks on everyone. One day he goes too far ― and gets everyone into a fix. O

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Winky is the best spell caster in the land of Dumble-dee-dim. But he’s also the naughtiest, always using his magic to play tricks on everyone. One day he goes too far ― and gets everyone into a fix. O

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