Ganesha’s Gifts
by Rachna Chhabria (Author)
Board Book
Rs. 349
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Delve into a whimsical, beautifully illustrated tale that explores Ganesha's mischievousness. When Ganesha takes something that isn’t his to keep, chaos erupts across heaven and earth. Despite the gods' attempts to correct his mistake, Ganesha becomes aware of his misled action from an unexpected source. Ganesha’s Gifts, a delightful story, conveys a beautiful message about responsibility, promises, and the blessings that come from doing what’s right.

A tale of Mischief, Magic and Divine lessons!

  • Creates a holistic narrative experience for the readers
  • Gorgeous illustrations
  • Fosters universal lessons on virtues like compassion, kindness, and humility
  • Encourages children to take responsibility for their actions
  • Offers a shared bonding experience for parents and children
ISBN No 9789362143754
Dimensions(cm) 14.8 x 14.8 x 1.3 cm
No of Pages Board Book
Item Weight(gm) 175 g
Language English
Reading Age 5+

Rachna Chhabria is a bestselling children's writer. She is the author Vocabulary Villa, Shiva and Parvati in Magadhpur, The Giggling Girl, of 50 Great Indians: Extraordinary Lives, Inspiring Tales, Buddy The Scavage, Chaos in the Jungle and Other Stories, Festival Stories Through The Year, Lazy Worm Goes on a Journey, The Lion Who Wanted to Sing and Other Stories, and Bunny in Search of a Name and Other Stories.

She has a fascination for words, she is at her happiest when she is writing her stories and creating fantasy worlds for her books. Animal stories are her favourite. She has travelled the world through her imagination. She is a columnist with Deccan Chronicle and The Asian Age. Her children’s stories appear regularly in Young World and Open Sesame She also taught creative writing in a college for few years. As a child she loved listening to stories, now she loves writing them.

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Delve into a whimsical, beautifully illustrated tale that explores Ganesha's mischievousness. When Ganesha takes something that isn’t his to keep, chaos erupts across heaven and earth. Despite the gods' attempts to correct his mistake, Ganesha becomes aware of his misled action from an unexpected source. Ganesha’s Gifts, a delightful story, conveys a beautiful message about responsibility, promises, and the blessings that come from doing what’s right.

A tale of Mischief, Magic and Divine lessons!

  • Creates a holistic narrative experience for the readers
  • Gorgeous illustrations
  • Fosters universal lessons on virtues like compassion, kindness, and humility
  • Encourages children to take responsibility for their actions
  • Offers a shared bonding experience for parents and children
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Delve into a whimsical, beautifully illustrated tale that explores Ganesha's mischievousness. When Ganesha takes something that isn’t his to keep, chaos erupts across heaven and earth. Despite the gods' attempts to correct his mistake, Ganesha becomes aware of his misled action from an unexpected source. Ganesha’s Gifts, a delightful story, conveys a beautiful message about responsibility, promises, and the blessings that come from doing what’s right.

A tale of Mischief, Magic and Divine lessons!

  • Creates a holistic narrative experience for the readers
  • Gorgeous illustrations
  • Fosters universal lessons on virtues like compassion, kindness, and humility
  • Encourages children to take responsibility for their actions
  • Offers a shared bonding experience for parents and children
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