Data Handling Activity Book For Kids
by Wonder House Books (Author)
Board Book
Rs. 179
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Data Handling Activity Book for Kids introduces children to the basics of data handling through engaging activities and colorful illustrations. Through this fun and interactive workbook, kids will learn how to collect, organize, and interpret data while developing essential math skills. Playful tasks like tallying, sorting, and creating bar graphs help children understand how data plays an important role in everyday life.

Discover the fun in Data Handling!

  • 80+ fun and engaging data-handling activities
  • Improves critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Bright and appealing charts, graphs, and illustrations
  • Provides a comprehensive understanding of data concepts
  • Develops analytical mindset at an early age
ISBN No 9789362146885
Dimensions(cm) 28 x 21.5 x 0.8 cm
No of Pages Paperback
Item Weight(gm) 145 g
Language English
Reading Age 5+
Wonder House has a dedicated team of editors and designers involved in the development of magnificent and enriching children books. The team pays special attention to develop age appropriate content and does extensive research on every topic included in the book. Our mission is to develop highly informative content which will help the children to master different skills. At Wonder House, we strive to make learning a joy.
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Data Handling Activity Book for Kids introduces children to the basics of data handling through engaging activities and colorful illustrations. Through this fun and interactive workbook, kids will learn how to collect, organize, and interpret data while developing essential math skills. Playful tasks like tallying, sorting, and creating bar graphs help children understand how data plays an important role in everyday life.

Discover the fun in Data Handling!

  • 80+ fun and engaging data-handling activities
  • Improves critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Bright and appealing charts, graphs, and illustrations
  • Provides a comprehensive understanding of data concepts
  • Develops analytical mindset at an early age
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Data Handling Activity Book for Kids introduces children to the basics of data handling through engaging activities and colorful illustrations. Through this fun and interactive workbook, kids will learn how to collect, organize, and interpret data while developing essential math skills. Playful tasks like tallying, sorting, and creating bar graphs help children understand how data plays an important role in everyday life.

Discover the fun in Data Handling!

  • 80+ fun and engaging data-handling activities
  • Improves critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Bright and appealing charts, graphs, and illustrations
  • Provides a comprehensive understanding of data concepts
  • Develops analytical mindset at an early age
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