Caillou-Puts Away His Toys
by Joceline Sanschagrin (Author)
by Eric Sevigny (Illustrator/Translator)
Board Book
Rs. 99
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Caillou has so many toys and he leaves them all around the house. Before he can do anything else, he has to put them away.

ISBN No 9789389432619
Dimensions(cm) 20.3 x 20.3 x 0.2
No of Pages 24
Item Weight(gm) 80
Language English
Reading Age 3-5 Years

 Joceline Sanschagrin

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Caillou has so many toys and he leaves them all around the house. Before he can do anything else, he has to put them away.

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Caillou has so many toys and he leaves them all around the house. Before he can do anything else, he has to put them away.

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