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Jack London

Jack London was a renowned American writer, best known for his adventure novels The Call of the Wild and White Fang. London was born in San Francisco, California on January 12, 1876. Belonging to a working-class family, he spent most of his teen years doing odd jobs like pirating oysters, shoveling coal, etc. His writing career began around 1893 when he wrote about his adventures on a harrowing sealing voyage in a writing competition and bagged the first prize. This inspired London to pursue a career in writing. Soon, he gained prominence as a writer. He published over 50 books during the last 16 years of his life and carved his name amongst the eminent writers of America.
Books by Jack London

The Call of the Wild : Illustrated Abridged Children Classic English Novel with Review Questions (Hardback)

The Call of the Wild : Illustrated Abridged Children Classic English Novel with Review Questions (Hardback)

During the 1890s’ Klondike Gold Rush in Canada, a huge amount of gold is discovered in the North. ..

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